
Philistine Actual is a collection of writings and other detritus from my mostly blind and generally fumbling attempt at parenting. Like a shipwreck… or maybe the “do not attempt to stop chain with hand or genitals” on a chainsaw box… it could very well be the case that the purpose of my life is to serve as a warning to others. Maybe even you. It seemed like a good idea to give to posterity the successes and the failures so that others can avoid repeating my mistakes. Perhaps someday my progeny will use this to help distill wisdom from the fog of their memories of childhood.

Or maybe they’ll make me pay for therapy. Sooner or later, time will tell.

I was encouraged to take a more organized approach to my musings on parenting by multiple people, so here it is. My pledge is to keep the content here as unfiltered as possible.

This is also a technical exercise. I haven’t self-hosted a project in a long time so it’s a way to freshen up my skills and share my love of technology, eventually, with the kids as well.

Bored easily, I am constantly getting myself into trouble. A cog the Silicon Valley machine by day, small time investor, amateur inventor, part time contractor, chaos mitigation specialist. Hopefully this will keep me busy.


est. 2014

The firstborn, and it shows. Endless well of enthusiasm.


est. 2016

The worst thing to ever happen to E1. The floodgates had opened and more children were to follow. Ada loves nature and has innate abilities as a negotiator, peacemaker, and hunter. Bugs, reptiles, amphibians, and small game are not safe.


est. 2017

The two-est two year old, now the three-est threenager.


est. 2019

Still a baby. Excellent dancer, shouting enthusiast.


Somewhere City, Kansas


Say Hello